Welcome to the unofficial website of the Hausa culture! 

"The Hausa, who number 5,000,000, form the most important nation of the central Sudan. They are undoubtedly nigritic, though in places with a strong crossing of Fula and Arab blood. Morally and intellectually they are far superior to the typical African American. They are a powerful, heavily built, with dark skin. They have great physical strength, the average Hausa will carry, on his head, a load of 90 or a 100 pounds without showing any signs of fatigue during a long day's march. When carrying their own goods it is by no means uncommon for them to take double this weight. They are  peaceful and industrious people, living partly in farmsteads with the crops, partly in large trading centres such as Kano, Katsena and Yakoba (Bauchi). They are extremely intelligent and even cultured, and have exercised a civilizing effect upon the Fula to whose oppressive rule they submitted."


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